Newsletter: Facebook Tops Google and Local Results Changed!
Marketing Fail of the Week Courtesy of Facebook Friend A good reason not to litter?? Facebook now TOPS Google by Laura CNN is now reporting that Facebook traffic had passed Google and in a hurry! My friend Ryan Deiss predicted this in January and man was he ever right. Now, Ryan has massed the largest […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-23
Biggest Military Leak in History: WikiLeaks Releases 390,000 Iraq War Documents: WikiLeaks has once again captured… # Android Gingerbread Confirmed, Mascot Arrives on Google Campus: Although Gingerbread (Google’s codename for the ne… # I'm at office depot (1660 missouri ave, Clearwater). # Not for me. Kids!! (@ KFC/Taco Bell) # “Auto-Tune […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-22
Hey, Entrepreneurs: The $250 Million Poem: When Facebook, Kleiner Perkins, Zynga and Amazon launched their $250 mi… # Amazon Web Services Offers Free Cloud Access: just revealed a free usage tier for its Amazon Web Servic… # Mozilla Wants You to Build Your Own Browser: Mozilla has officially revealed “Chromeless,” an experimental […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-21
Windows Phone 7 Available in New Zealand: Windows Phone 7 will be available in many countries tomorrow, October 21… # YouTube Can Help Promote Your Business: Does your business have a video strategy? Do you want more people to watch… # eBay Now Relies on PayPal for 37% of Its Revenue: eBay has […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-20
Drag-and-Drop Your Images into Google Docs: Google has just added the ability to drag-and-drop images from the des… # First Look: Starbucks Digital Network Is Here: Beginning Wednesday, Starbucks customers who use the free Wi-Fi at … # Mozilla Jumps into the App Store Game, But Can It Compete with Google?: With the […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-19
New Location-Based App Makes Business Networking Smarter: Unsocial, a new startup, is hoping to help make location… # Steve Jobs Speaks Candidly About the State of Apple and its Competitors: Following Apple reporting its first-ever … # I'm at Citgo (Missouri, East Bay Drive, Largo). # I'm at Cvs (51 N missouri, […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-18
Father and Son Launch iPhone Into Space [VIDEO]: This breathtaking video documents Brooklyn-based cinematographer … # 10 Fresh Blogger Templates for Any Application [PICS]: I’ll be the first to admit that Blogger isn’t the sexiest p… # Yahoo Mimics Facebook Connect With “Y Connect”: Yahoo will soon launch a service called “Y Connect” […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-17
Groupon’s Founder on How to Get Super Rich: At YCombinator’s Startup School event at Stanford University, Groupon … # Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg Talked Ping Over Dinner: Not thrilled that Apple’s Ping music service doesn’t integ… # Raptr’s iPhone App Tracks Your Xbox and PlayStation Friends: Gaming-centric social network Raptr has launched […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17
10 Amazing Real Life Robots: There are certain things that you don’t necessarily need to understand in order to in… # Microsoft Mistakenly Claims “Angry Birds” for Windows Phone 7: When tech bloggers discovered an icon for the popul… # How Web Videos Are Driving Innovation: We watch web videos almost everyday. They […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-16
Marketing Lessons from a Guy in His Underwear: As you might imagine, social media marketing is one of the most dis… # Our Favorite YouTube Videos This Week: The Hipster Edition: Our favorite viral video expert and resident hipster, … # I just ousted @suzanne217217 as the mayor of office depot on @foursquare! […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-15
Starbucks and L’Oreal Test Location-Based SMS Coupons in UK: UK network provider O2 has partnered with location se… # Survivor Creator: What Kind of Idiot Changes a Successful Format?: Mark Burnett, an executive television producer … # Google’s New Billion-Dollar Businesses: During today’s Q3 earnings call, Google not only discussed its impressive … […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14
iPhone Photo App Instagram Nabs 100K Users in One Week: Launched amid a barrage of buzz just last week, iPhone app… # AOL Attempting to Buy Yahoo [REPORT]: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that AOL and several venture capital fi… # Newest Calculator Adds Smartphone-Like Apps and Graphics: Unless something drastic happens, […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14
Google Just Lost a Potential Ally in its Legal Tussle with Oracle: The battle between Oracle and Google over Andro… # Corona’s New Facebook Campaign Puts Your Face in Times Square: Corona is betting that young adults want to see the… # Video Taking Center Stage at Zillow: Real estate website Zillow has […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-12
Palm Pre 2 Specs Leaked: French mobile phone carrier SFR appears to have outed the Palm Pre 2 Monday, posting basi… # Gap Reverts to Original Logo After Social Media Backlash: Gap has announced on its Facebook Page that it is scrapp… # Chrome Tops Firefox Among Techmeme Users: On the site that […]
Twitter Updates for 2010-10-11
10 Amazing Real Life Robots: There are certain things that you don’t necessarily need to understand in order to in… # Microsoft Mistakenly Claims “Angry Birds” for Windows Phone 7: When tech bloggers discovered an icon for the popul… # How Web Videos Are Driving Innovation: We watch web videos almost everyday. They […]