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Caitlin Marlotte on the Death of Advertising Caitlin Marlotte was one of the guests at Captains of Industry's Wake to Commemorate the Death of Advertising. The Wake was held at Captains office, and featured a viewing room, food, and of course, great company and great memories. People from the Boston area talked about how new advertising would change marketing for agencies. […]

Viral Marketing at Death Star Germany

OK, I give in. Due to overwhelming popular request and to celebrate the 1st anniversary of my German surprise hit (see my other movies) here’s finally an English version. I present it with the utmost respect for the creators, actors, staff and all other participants of the original STAR WARS movie and without any intensions […]

GEORGE CARLIN – People Who Oughta Be Killed 1/2

“People Who Oughta Be Killed” Self-Help Books Motivation Seminars Parents of Honor Students Baby Slings My Daddy Telephone Mimes Hands-Free Telephone Headsets Answering Machines Family Newsletters Music on Answering Machines Duration : 0:10:12

Virales Marketing im Todesstern Stuttgart

There is now an ENGLISH version in my other videos! For Germans: Ohne Worte. Aber alle Rechte liegen bei Lucasfilm Ltd. und Twentieth Century Fox of Germany GmbH. Nur, dass das klar ist. Duration : 0:2:8