The Social Media Minute – 9 its all about risk
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 9 its all about risk – Personal risk is what it takes to make leaps in social media. Because social media is a very personal medium, letting the world in is part of the deal. Duration : 11 sec
The Social Media Minute – 13 get to the point
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 13 get to the point – People's attention spans are short, when creating video or content the more you can trim the fat the better. Tell stories, entertain and education. Duration : 11 sec
The Social Media Minute – 17 try more things
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 17 try more things – There is no secret to social media, think networking, relationship building, and large scale introductions. Learn more – Duration : 15 sec
The Social Media Minute – 12 use max strategy
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 12 use max strategy – There are all kinds of things you should be doing. Do them all. Figure out which ones you need to do. Remember in social media, its YOU who markets your business. Duration : 12 sec
The Social Media Minute – 15 speak if you can
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 15 speak if you can – If you speak a language your customers understand, you should be talking with them. Stop talking at them and start engaging your community. Duration : 11 sec
The Social Media Minute – 16 have fun
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 16 have fun – It's important enjoy what your doing. If you are going to share a message with an audience, they can tell if you care about what you are doing. Duration : 16 sec
The "Secret" to Successful Internet Marketing
Learn the true secret to being successful on the Internet. Everyone's looking for that one "Secret" that will put their business on auto-pilot and allow them to do nothing while their business rakes in the money. The reality is there is no "secret". Duration : 6 min 27 sec
The Social Media Minute – 20 track your progress
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 20 track your progress – Social media requires goals and measures. You need to know where you are now, where you want to be in the future and then make sure you record your journey.Learn more- Duration : 12 sec
How The Awords Dominator Can Work For You
Get Instant keyword research tools, tips and ideas to increase your traffic from Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing And MSN Adcenter. Improve your pay per click and SEO results. Duration : 2 min 35 sec
The Best Network Marketing Books For Today's Market
I've come to recognize that one of the keys to a six or seven figure income is reading. Jeff Olsen, in his book Slight Edge, recommends reading every day. All of the top network marketing income earners that I've interviewed have said that reading network marketing books was one of the keys to their success. […]
The Social Media Minute – 10 Delegate and automate
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 10 Delegate and Automate – When you find social media presents you with repetitive tasks. Social media involves hard work but also in some cases repetition. Learn more – Duration : 14 sec
The Social Media Minute – 14 write
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 14 write – It is important to put your ideas on paper. The more you read the easier it is to write. Reading and writing regularly will solidify your ideas and help share your message. Duration : 14 sec
The Social Media Minute – 7 be memorable
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 7 be memorable – This is about leaving your mark online and in your audiences mind, eyeballs mean money. When they leave you, will you be remembered? Learn more – Duration : 13 sec
The Social Media Minute – 2 experiment
The Social Media Minute with Mark Latimer – 2 experiment – You won't know what works unless you try. Don't be afraid to sign up for all the social media sites to reserve your name. Learn more Duration : 13 sec
The SEO Method – Affordable SEO Package Review
Ryan Malone of Affordable SEO Package was recently given an opportunity to test David Jenyns' The SEO Method not long ago. Here are the immediate results. To purchase The SEO Method, navigate to Distributed by Tubemogul. Duration : 7 min