Indonesia Ranks As The 11th Worst Pirating Nation
Although Indonesia as a whole has a pretty good understanding of technology, the level of software piracy in this country is still high according to a study from the Business Software Alliance Indonesia […] Related posts: Indonesia, a BlackBerry Nation? With more than 3 million users, BlackBerry is one of… Indonesia Is A Huge Social […]
Google Has a New Social Experiment
A new experiment has appeared in Google Labs. It’s called Google Shared Spaces. It’s hard to provide too much info about it at this point, because when you try to access it (after signing in with your Google account, which it requests) it only gives you a 404. Several people commenting on the site indicate […]
White-labeling B2B Software for Profit
These B2B Solutions Aid Clients and Add Revenue Why reinvent the wheel? Some of the most brilliant minds on earth are developing products for our technology-driven society, but they don’t always have the reach — or savvy — to effectively distribute their software. That’s where you come in. Partnering with… [[ This is a […]
Google Tests AdWords, Call Metrics Integration
When creating a form for customers to fill out, it’s easy for business owners to slip in a question asking who referred them. Finding out how someone got a phone number is a more delicate matter, though (it’s important not to waste customers’ time or act like they called a private line), and AdWords call […]
MYTH: Social Media Makes People Less Social
Finally, I’m glad that to announce that new research from ExactTarget has burst the bubble of the notion that technology alienates people with their freshly-baked statistics. It is proven there is a co-relation between increased social media usage and increased offline interaction – as users increase their Facebook and Twitter usage, they also tend to increase […]
iPad Gets the Microwave Treatment
Poor iPad. It’s only been on the market for a month, and it’s already been crashed to bits with a baseball bat, blended and generally abused in every possible way. In hopefully the last act of agression against this beautiful piece of technology, the iPad has now also been microwaved. As always, it’s not hard […]
World of Warcraft on the iPad With The Help of Gaikai
Have you ever heard of Gaikai? It’s a service (currently in beta) that lets you play games in your browser, directly from the cloud. Gaikai runs and hosts the games, which are then streamed to the end user with the help of Java, Flash, or Silverlight. Although iPad’s browser doesn’t support Flash, someone seemingly found […]
Brizzly Launches a Guide to Twitter Trends and iPhone App
Web-based Twitter client Brizzly has three major developments to report: a new free iPhone app, a new Brizzly Guide (which gives trending topics on Twitter their own hub pages as permanent resources for information on the top Twitter discussion items over time), and the acquisition of WikiRank. The Brizzly Guide is a user-editable area that […]
Social Media Workshop inBlackandWhite (Part 2)
KMP partnered with How-Do to host a unique Social Media for Beginners Workshop which took place on Thursday 29th January, from 9am at the MDDA in Manchester. The hosts were KMP’s Paul Fabretti and Gerard Daring. Over the last year there has been a rapid growth in the evolution and use of social media, […]
Social Media & My Somewhat Obsession With Shiny Objects
Frank Gruber of SOMEWHAT FRANK and TECH tail kicked off the Specialized Information Publishers ociation (SIPA) in Vegas conference with a keynote discussing social media and my somewhat obsession with the shiny new objects of the Web. Distributed by Tubemogul. Duration : 0:9:28
What Does Social Media Mean (To You)?
Frank Gruber of SOMEWHAT FRANK is looking to create the ultimate social media definition on YouTube. So join the conversation by leaving a video response below answering the question “Social Media is _____.” Fill in the blank with your thoughts and perspectives because sharing is caring. Cheers. Distributed by Tubemogul. Duration : 0:0:44
Chimu Adventures talks about Google AdWords
The founders of this Sydney-based, international tour operator talk about how they use Google AdWords to grow their business. Duration : 0:2:1
How to Be a Social Media Change Agent
An interview with Josh Bernoff, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research. Over the past thirteen years, Mr. Bernoff has become one of America’s most frequently quoted research analysts. His analysis, which aims at a deeper understanding of people and how they use technology, has been cited by sources from The Wall St. Journal […]
The iPod phone – Pocket PC to iPod
Here’s my “iPod” phone Duration : 0:1:7
Google SEO Website Health Check Tool
from Learn how to tell if your site has major search engine optimization issues in Google by using this free SEO tool. Duration : 0:4:14