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1st Short Chess Game: De Bolster – NN

Interesting chess game presented by Serguei Vorojtsov. Subscribe to my channel & newsletter at High resolution videos are available here: Duration : 0:1:10

71 Seconds on Our Social Media Marketing eBook A quick ‘book trailer’ for our ebook, “Getting to First Base: A Social Media Marketing Playbook”. To learn more, read some sample chapters or buy the book, visit: Duration : 0:1:11

5th Short Chess Game: Gibaud – Lazard

Interesting chess game presented by Serguei Vorojtsov. Subscribe to my channel & newsletter at High resolution videos are available here: ——————————————– Frederic Lazard born 1883 was a player, problemist and author. He was the winner of one of the shortest master games on record (see A Gibaud vs F Lazard, 1924) and published […]

ChessTactics: Paul Morphy – Count Isouard, Duke of Brunswick

Interesting chess game presented by Serguei Vorojtsov. Subscribe to my channel & newsletter at High resolution videos are available here: ——————————————– Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 – July 10, 1884), “The Pride and Sorrow of Chess,” was an American chess player. He is considered to have been the greatest chess master of […]

What Is Social Media Marketing Web 2.0? Get Free Targeted Traffic To ANY Site Franco Gonzalez What is Social Media Marketing or Web 2.0? How can you use effective social marketing to generate more search engine visibility, more links, higher rankings, faster indexing which leads to more high quality traffic to your site? What should your Social Marketing Web 2.0 Marketing Strategy look like? What are the pieces […]