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12 Successful Facebook Business Pages in India

Facebook is the top social network in India, both in terms of users (18 Million) and page views (4.25 billion). In India, a lot of brands are investing in the network to engage users and drive conversations. But the question is: How many of these brands are using Facebook to its optimum level? It isn’t […]

When Facebook becomes a Real Book

How should we boost ‘like’ count of a newly set up Facebook page? DDB Paris has a unique suggestion – create a real book out of Facebook. A Facebook application was developed to pull and organize relevant information from the user’s profile to create the book. Unfortunately, only the first 1,000 submissions were accepted. This […]

AppBistro is an App Store for Facebook Business Pages

Penn Olson features start-ups. Find out more here. Have a Facebook business page but do not know how to build engagement? Some cool and engaging Facebook applications could do the trick. But where do we find these applications? And how do we know which applications are effective? Launched in May 2010 at TechCrunch Disrupt, AppBistro is here […]

Facebook Group Works Great for Small Businesses

A couple of weeks ago, we got really excited about how Facebook’s revamped group would be like and look like. As soon as it was launched, @stooffi (a potential world’s coolest intern) created a group for us. It didn’t take us long to figure out how to use it. It’s that simple. In short, the […]

A Gorgeous Presentation: Social Media For Business

You’re about to see a typical ‘social media for business’ slides, refreshed with updated web statistics and is gorgeously designed that makes you say ‘wow’ as you click. It’s typical but insightful. The deck takes you through the before and after of social media and provides successful business case studies. Most importantly, it provides a […]