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Keeping Your Digital Talent Pipeline Full

One of the huge issues you’re going to see play out starting this year is the movement and flux of those that work within the digital marketing and PR industries. It’s not often talked about, but believe me, it’s a major concern for agency owners and businesses. How do you retain your top digital talent? […]

Celebrity Chefs Answer Your Questions on Facebook

If the layers of your Dulce de Leche Cake never come together quite as seamlessly as Scott Conant’s, here’s your chance to ask for his assistance. Food & Wine Magazine is launching a series of Q&A sessions with famous…

Hulu Sets Ad Impression Record In October

New comScore video data is out, and as usual, a few corporations traded places in terms of successfully attracting unique viewers.  The bigger story, though, may be the fact that Hulu showed its users over 1.1 billion ads in October, which is more than twice as many as the number two entity, Tremor Media Video […]

China Hands Down New Rules on Media Coverage of Google

A new set of rules and instructions from the Chinese government itself suppresses China media outlets from reporting almost anything about Google’s recent pull out from China. The instructions, nabbed by China Digital Times, outline a series of rather disturbing edicts to media outlets that are covering the Google story. While this is nothing new, […]