O'Reilly Webcast: Social Media for Publishers
Chris Brogan shares strategies and tactics for putting the web’s most popular social media tools to work in ways that will make a difference. Positioned “for publishers,” the advice given in this webcast will actually benefit any organization that has an online presence. This is part of the O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing (TOC) […]
Why Publishers Should Care About SEO
In this webcast, Jamie Low, founder of SearchEngineMarketing.com delves into the reasons why SEO is so important to the publishing industry and shows what they should be looking at. This is the first in a series of webcasts by O’Reilly’s Tools of Change for Publishing division. Duration : 1:56:28
How to Be a Social Media Change Agent
An interview with Josh Bernoff, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research. Over the past thirteen years, Mr. Bernoff has become one of America’s most frequently quoted research analysts. His analysis, which aims at a deeper understanding of people and how they use technology, has been cited by sources from The Wall St. Journal […]