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Bing Gets Behind "Future Of Search" Series

Anyone who’s interested in what Bing will do next can perhaps relax.  Rather than make onlookers fight for every scrap of information, the organization seems to be tending towards openness, announcing today that it will back a sort of multimedia series called "The Future of Search." A post on the Bing Search Blog explained, "Here […]

RenRen isn’t as Convenient as Facebook or Twitter

This article is originally published in SocialMediaNZ as a guest post. While businesses in the rest of the world are enjoying the convenience and openness of Facebook and Twitter, businesses in China are struggling to even set up a fan page on Renren. (Thanks to the great firewall, Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China.) […]

Breeding Good Ideas and Fostering Innovation in Your Company

Innovation is running rampant these days. That’s why we’re seeing so many startups launching and so many acquisitions from bigger companies happening. The good ones come from good ideas, and everybody’s rushing to have the next great idea. But where do these ideas come from? How do they get started? Steven Berlin Johnson,  Author of […]

If You Want Freedom, Don’t Use Proprietary Software [VIDEO]

Free software pioneer Richard Stallman spoke with us recently about the principles of free and open source programs, and what he had to say is as relevant and revolutionary as when he first started working in this field 30 years ago. Our community has been talking a lot lately about what it means to be […]