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Demand Media: We're "Very White Hat"

Demand Media CEO Richard Rosenblatt, speaking on an earnings call today, took to defending his company’s content, which is often subject to a great deal of criticism, though I would contend that much of the criticism is really geared toward Google for surfacing some of the more questionable (in quality) content over other results that […]

Affiliate Programs for Tax Season

Hardly able to keep up with the increasing number of consumers who search the Web for relief around tax time is the multitude of online services that offer expert advice, swift results and significant savings. The space has become one of the Web’s fastest-growing businesses and the next two months will yield the highest earnings […]

News Corp. On MySpace: "Current Losses Are Not Acceptable"

To be clear: we don’t mean to spread rumors or alarm anyone.  But MySpace employees might want to consider setting aside some extra money and updating their LinkedIn profiles, as one News Corp. exec hinted during an earnings call that a drastic cost-cutting action of sorts may occur. A large round (or two) of layoffs […]