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Introduction to Contextual Advertising

An explanation of Contextual Advertising in plain English. Also – the most important tip that you must do in every contextual campaign. Duration : 2 min 8 sec

Content Marketing – Introduction by Interact Media, LLC This video outlines the Content Marketing process: Unique Content Creation, Publishing to Various Types of Websites, Promotion via Social Media & Social Bookmarking. And summarizes the benefits of Content Marketing. Duration : 3 min 38 sec

Link Building for SEO

Wil Reynolds explains how to capture links and the value of content to earn deep links while at the Affiliate Summit. Duration : 0:6:46

Duplicate Content and SEO

The impact that duplicate content can have on your rankings is discussed. How to minimize friction between how you serve pages and how Google like to have pages served, and tactics to catch and report those who copy your hard earned content. Duration : 0:3:43

Have a Google Adwords account? Generate traffic for pennies! Find out here. So you have been marketing with Google for a long time now and your adwords funds are being drained quicker then you can post your advertisments… Enter Google Placements inside Google Adwords the advertising that brings money back into your wallet instead of out 🙂 Google Placement is basically advertising on other websites within […]