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Blogs matter in the Start-up World

We have discussed this multiple times. To build the next “silicon valley”, we need to have different components coming together: lawyers, accountants, risk takers, culture, tech infrastructure, mentors, and investors. Something is missing […] Related posts: You and Meme: Why Memes matter In its original definition, a meme (pronounced meam; rhymes with… Blogs and Purchase […]

Ads Keeping could be the Next Big Thing

We are used to bookmark links that contain useful resources. But would that habit apply to advertisements too? Will you bookmark an online ad? AdKeeper, a start-up that helps users to save ads for later viewing is hoping that we will. The 10-month-old start-up believes that the Internet lacks a tool that allows users to […]

Social Media Advertisements Drive Purchase Intention

The Faces of Social Media is a social media research jointly conducted by Knowledge Networks and MediaPost Communications. The intent of the ongoing study is to measure the social media landscape in the U.S and determine the influence of social media on products and services. After surveying 2,242 people from age 13 to 80-year-old, the […]

New Twitter Ads On The Way

After months of speculation, Twitter has finally announced they will insert advertising in users' streams. Now, select users will see advertisements posed as a tweet as they appear in the stream itself, not as a promoted or sponsored tweet as is already seen on Twitter. In other words, these ads will be aligned closer with […]