Political Marketing 101
Rick Santorum and Ron Paul have been recent suprises in the current GOP political marketing campaign of 2012. Their ability to connect with voters and energize a crowd has stunned and impressed the media. Both candidates have utilized the political marketing services of popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to help them create a viral marketing campaign. More and more people around the United States and the world are tuning into online media. Traditional media certainly still has its place, but the world of news and advertising will never be the same.
Ron Paul’s message of economic responsiblity and Rick Santorum’s campaign of restoring traditional morality standards has found a willing and attentive audience. Social media works, not only because it allows groups of like-minded people to gather together, but also because it is much cheaper than traditional media outlets. People can unite at little or no cost.
Political marketing should and does work both ways. Candidates, campaign managers and the general public create two-way conduits for communication and the sharing of ideas. Whereas in the old days it might take days or weeks to get feedback, now it happens in seconds or minutes. Candidates and their supporters can interact with one another to stay on the same page and keep the message consistent.
Political Marketing Old School and New School
It’s no wonder that candidates are coming to realize more and more that they ignore the digitial world at their peril. It simply isn’t an option anymore, it’s a must.
Of course, as mentioned earlier, traditional media as a vehicle for political marketing will continue serving its intended purpose. Television and radio poltical marketing aren’t going away any time soon. Large audiences of people will continue tuning in to watch their favorite programs. The infrastructure of conventional media is well entrenched and easy to access, if not cheap.
So, the most effective political marketing campaigns must operate in both worlds to achive maximum results. It’s not a matter of which source to use. It’s a matter of how to use both sources for maximum effectiveness. Politicans cannot afford to ignore one political marketing strategy or the other. Each must receive its proper respect and attention.
Political Marketing Isn’t Going Away
Having access to social media as well as conventional media sources allows candidates to spread their political marketing message to a wider audience much faster. Conventional media has become cheaper due to social media competition and loss of market share as well. This works in the client’s favor because he or she can save money and time. In a world of twenty-four hour news coverage and political marketing people are finding more outlets and options for getting their information.